Weekly Update

Hi everyone!

This week was a great week and everyone is getting very excited for Valentine’s day on Monday. Everyone will pass out valentines at school and we will be opening and reading them before they come home. If you haven’t finished your box, we need them by Monday. I’ve attached a class list for anyone who needs another one. It is also available for download from my blog as well. If your child does not have a box, we will provide a bag at school. The boxes that have come in are amazing!


Academic Focus

Reading- WHO is telling the story

Writing- Opinion

Math- Balancing Equations

Phonics- Bossy R review week (ar, er, ir, ur, or)

Science- Animal Needs


Friday is a $1 pajama day! Send in your $1 and your child can wear pajamas!

Friday is also the 120th Day of School. We will celebrate all day with all things 120!


Mark your calendars! February Break is Feb. 21-25th. Schools will be closed.


I hope everyone has a great weekend!