Weekly Update

Hi everyone!

Mrs. Grecko has been busy getting a Home Learning Menu board ready for next week. This board will be your guide during the week. I will still send daily emails as reminders but when in doubt, go to the menu. I will also post this menu on the blog.


Tips for the Home Learning Menu.- It is easier to view on a computer and the menu contains many quick links. You can also print it and check off the activities as you complete them.

  1. There are daily requirements- Word Work (sight words or phonic words), Reading, Math (Same as before)
  2. There are weekly requirements- Science, Health, Social Studies, Writing (Just pick one subject) (writing organizers are attached)


Changes- NO five star homework.


The daily requirements are Monday – Thursday. Friday is still FUN Friday and no work is assigned.


We will still Zoom on Mondays BUT- NOTE NEW TIME! 10:30am   (Watch Ms. White play some Music on Facebook @ 10:00am  and then Zoom @10:30am)

We will still Text on Tuesday. (just text something you did from the menu)

We will still Watch a video on Wednesday. (the video will be about something on the menu)

We will still have an activity in SeeSaw on Thursday. (this math activity is listed on the menu)

We will still have Fun Friday.


NOTE: Mrs. Grecko would like everyone to give the menu a try. It is differentiated enough for everyone. If you have any questions please email or text.  Mrs. Grecko