weekly update

Reading: Picture vs Text

Grammar: Conjunctions

Math: Graphing and Interpreting the Data

Writing: Narratives

Social Studies: Ruby Bridges

Phonics- oi, oy


Wednesday will be our Field Trip Day. Your child has been given a color to wear. Please make sure that your child has told you what shirt color to wear. If they cannot remember, please email me and I will let you know what color. We are on teams so it is EXTREMELY important to wear the color they were given. It is also important that they wear sneakers. Most of the activities involve running and jumping. Please bring a water bottle. It looks like the weather will be very warm on Wednesday. I will also send a reminder sticker home on Tuesday.


Next week we are planning some math spring themed centers during our day on Friday 4/26. If you are available to come in next Friday during 11:00 – 12:00 please let me know.

We will need donations of individually wrapped candy for this event. Easter candy should be on sale after today… if you are able to pick up a bag or two of small wrapped candies we would greatly appreciate it. (starburst, small chocolate eggs, smarties, laffy taffy, etc…)


Homework for the next 3 weeks involve phonics and reading. Most of the student will continue to have a phonics assignment and assessment on Friday. EVERYONE needs to do the “READ to a SUNDAE” homework. This homework is for EVERYONE! We want everyone to read 12 books and fill out their ice cream scoops. When everyone reads and sends in their scoops, we can have a CLASS ice cream party. This is a FIRST GRADE TRADITION. Please help your child with this goal. J

I will have extra scoops in the classroom for students who what to read more than 12 books! Yay!