Hi Parents!

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend. Here is what is on tap for next week.

Welcome to our class a new student! Journey Johnson joined us this week. We now have 21 students in our class!


Mon. No School

Tues. Regular day

Wed-Fri.- Cogat Testing and different lunch and Specials time.

Lunch- 10:57-11:27

Specials- 12:20-1:05


Arrival and dismissal times remain the same. J


I’m attaching the 5 star homework, the Phonics sheet and Cogat letter.


During the 3 days of Cogat testing it is very important that you get to school on time. If you child arrives after we have begun testing he/she will have to wait until we finish a section before they can enter our classroom. We will eat snack and have a break after the testing. I’m asking that quiet board games (non electronic & non violent) be sent in for after our testing time.


We are having problems with students arriving at the tardy bell and needing breakfast. Breakfast ends @7:45. The first bell rings @7:10. FYI- there is hardly anyone in carline from 7:10-7:30. When you show up late, your child has less time to do the before school activities which includes- breakfast, morning assignments, library, walking club and before school unpacking. We start our morning lessons @8:05. Please consider arriving a little earlier, or let them ride the bus!


Upcoming dates:

September 13th– Walking Club Wednesdays start for First Grade 7:20-7:40 in the gym

September 15th– Picture Day- Everyone will get their picture taken whether they purchase a packet or not. (More info to come)


Next Week’s Focus-

Reading- Literary Key Details

Writing- Narratives

Math- Place Value

Phonics- s-family blends

Social Studies- Landforms


FYI- A snack is a snack, not a meal. I prefer water only to drink and a small item to eat that takes no longer than 5-10min. During our regular school day we eat and work during our Reading Workshop. It’s only during testing and unusual schedule days do we have a dedicated snack break. Unfortunately we just don’t have the time. 😉


Thank you again for sharing your child with me!

Mrs. Grecko


CogAT Parent Letter Grecko edition-pvmcmp

Five-Star Tiered Homework 9-1-17- Grecko edition-1nrguue