Learning At Home

Hi Parents,

This is an update to let you know that we are working from home until further notice.  I sent home complete login information and assignment instructions on Friday along with the math book. I will be holding Office hours daily Mon-Fri from 9-10:30am. I will also be posting additional optional activities through our online journal SeeSaw. The first activity has been assigned online. I will leave the assigned activity up for 2 days for completion before I assign a new task. The first task asks you to take a picture and describe where you will be doing your home lessons and what do you think you will need to complete your lessons. Get creative! Mrs. Grecko already posted her at-home picture. Please comment or like my post! If you have any questions, please contact me through email.



Weekly Update

We got to go outside and play on the playground in the sunshine today! It was a great day! We also got a new student. Please welcome to our class: James! He is working hard to get to know everyone and our classroom routines. We now have 21 students in our classroom. Today was Mrs. Palmer, our student teacher’s last day. She shared a little goodie bag with the students and was very grateful for all the cards and hugs she received today. We are going to miss her.

Next week we have an early release day on Wednesday. We will dismiss @ 12:15.  The homework for this week went home today. Please send it back next Friday. Please send back the baggy books next Friday too.


Here is a peek at our academics for next week:

Reading: Assessments- Story Elements, Reading levels

Writing: Book reviews, Opinion assessment

Math: Place Value, Q3 review, assessments

Phonics: “air” words-  air, are, ear

Grammar- Verb tenses (past, present, future)

Science- Animals


I hear the weekend is supposed to be nice so I told the kids it would be great if they were able to go outside. I hope you can take the time as a family to enjoy a few rain free days and we will see everyone again on Monday.

Five-Star Tiered Homework due 3-13-20 Grecko Edition