Hi Parents!
Today we had so much fun with the G.A.B.I.E. bus! They do a great in-house field trip about plants. We planted today, but decided to take them home after they grow a little bit.
Next week we have field day and a lot of schedule changes. Not all of us do well with changes so a good night’s sleep is very important each day next week.
Monday- Early Release Schedule- 11:07-11:37 Lunch
9:30-10:00 Specials
Mishon’s birthday
Reading with our Kindergarten Buddies
Opening Ceremony @1:00 for the week’s field days
Tuesday- Regular Lunch time- NO SPECIALS
Kindergarten Field Day
Wednesday- Regular Lunch time- NO SPECIALS
First Grade Field Day
Please wear your teams colors- Red shirt- Ansleigh, Lucas, Washington, Jeremiah, Marcus
Blue Shirt- Haley, Mishon, Max, Trey,
Yellow Shirt- Giselle, Alessandro, Jet, Nasir
Green shirt- Emily, Caden, Chelan, Omar
Please apply sunscreen before you come to school.
Please bring a water bottle that day.
Thursday- Regular Lunch time- NO SPECIALS
2nd Grade Field Day
Friday- Regular Day
Next Week’s Focus
ELA/WRITING/SCIENCE- Integrated Standards- Plants
Phonics- oo
Math- Word Problemsphonics oo
We are starting the ice cream challenge- instead of regular 5 star homework there is the challenge of reading 12 books to earn an ice cream reward. We will have the ice cream reward on May 19th. Please see the letter (yellow) and the attached scoops for more details. Unless you haven’t mastered all the first grade sight words, you do not have any vocabulary or 2nd grade words to study. If you do have words, your test will be on Friday. We will still be going over phonics and the phonics list was sent home (it is orange this week) Phonics test will be on Friday too. Baggy books can be used for scoops which is why there is not a baggie book reading log. All baggy books are due by Friday for buddy reading.
I hope to see some of you at the Big Shanty Festival. Please see KES chorus and Grasshoppers on the different stages on Saturday.
Mr. Grecko and my son, Alex will be flipping burgers for the Boys Scouts 510 (stop by and grab a meal and say hi) on Saturday.
My daughter Hannah will be marching with the Allatoona Band in the parade in the morning on Saturday.
Mrs. Grecko will be out and about the festival! See you soon.